Sunday, October 6, 2019


If you are a person alive in the 21st century I’m absolutely positive that you’ve heard of something we term ‘Climate Change’.  If you’ve been living under a rock or just never gave it a second thought then let me enlighten you. Mother Earth is dying. Sounds a bit harsh and melodramatic right? It isn’t and it is important that we understand what is happening, why it is happening and what we can do in an effort to make it better.

Climate change is really hard to ignore now as you can literally see what is happening to our environment, honestly, you really cannot miss it. I’m sure you’ve been hearing the effects but you probably don’t care to lend an ear or make a change simply because it doesn’t affect you directly, but hear me out. I’m going to paint you a picture, while you read let your imagination run wild.

Picture yourself in the next 10/15 years or so, you’re married and you have kids. You just got the promotion you’ve been working so hard for and you want to celebrate with your family. You decide to surprise your family with a vacation, you’re going to Hawaii to take in the sun, sea and sand and spend some deserved quality time with your loved ones. You get there and the water is a beautiful turquoise, the sun kisses your skin softly leaving warmth on your cheeks and the sand feels cool between your toes. Except, in the next 10/15 years, the Hawaiian islands may have sunken, you can’t go outside to enjoy the sun because you might get skin cancer and there is no more beautiful turquoise blue waters to swim in because sea levels rose, the sandy shores were flooded and the “beaches” are 25% water and 75% trash. Now you can’t enjoy your family vacation and well, it kind of is your entire fault in the first place and I’ll tell you exactly why.
climate change, 2035 


Climate Change is a state of emergency event currently occurring on our planet Earth. Global temperatures have risen, our ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, health issues have identifiably been a side effect and the list goes on.

One of the major causes of global warming is extensive use of fossil fuels. We use fossil fuels compellingly like our lives depend on it. It may be socially normal as it is the single most common energy source. We get electricity from it, we get gas for our cars from it, we need it to cook our food and even have enticing long, hot showers sponsored by it. That dependence is the root of all our problems. It has become so detrimental that famous singers have written songs about it, pop culture artists like Billie Eilish, Lil Dicky, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande and many more have been using their platforms to bring light to the endearing situation.

Video on the Climate Emergency

Contrary to popular belief, we can make a change, we can make a difference, we can do it and we can start now. How can we make a difference you may be wondering? CUT OUT FOSSIL FUELS! We can use more renewable and environmentally friendly energies. One of which is Solar Energy. Scientists have done their research; engineers have made its implementation simpler than ever and all facts point to it being a viable solution to the overuse and abuse of fossil fuels.

Comparison of Solar Energy vs Fossil Fuels

While conducting research on solar energy I came across an article that highlighted some major benefits of implementing solar energy. It goes on to say that solar energy is a clean, renewable source of power from the sun that is a great alternative of fossil fuels, benefits include a decrease of green house gas emissions,  reduction of respiratory and cardio health issues and is an economically self-maintaining source of energy (Matasci, 2019).  Many countries around the world have slowly been ‘Going Solar’. It starts domestically, using solar panels in your homes, for example, solar water heaters and installation of photovoltaic cells for electricity. Why stop there? Petition for governments to increase subsidies for solar panel installation, invest in the creation of solar power stations, give environmental grants to largely solar powered cites and towns and so many more things to encourage this movement. 

Solar energy can be the new wave energy power source. “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that. – Thomas Edison” Our brilliant minds have recognized it, now its time to make the solar energy dream a reality.

Matasci, Sarah. “Health and Environmental benefits of solar energy” Environment and Clean Technology (2019).

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